Add User

The Add User function allows you to create a new user and assign access rights.

Add User Section
The add user section is used to create a user ID. You must enter the first name, last name, email and phone for the user. If you want to assign a custom username enter the ID in the UserID field. If you leave the UserID field blank the system will assign a username to the user. Use the Admin check box to indicate whether the user will have administrator privileges.
note.pngOnly the Super Admin role can assign admin rights to new users. Super Admin roles are created at account setup.
Account Access
Check the appropriate portal access to grant the new user.
Account Details
Enter the delivery email address. The delivery email will be used to receive the incident reports when the user is the adjuster on a incident report. Then you will assign a node ID and user access roles using the selection boxes.

After completing these sections click Add User to create the new user or Save and Add Another to create multiple new users.